WELCOME! You are loved and valued, & we are so happy you are here!
Come as you are, with your questions, your stories, & everything unique about you. We are here to journey alongside you, support you & point you to Jesus.
We gather twice a week for worship, fellowship, & fun. We discuss relevant topics about life & faith, engage in meaningful discussions, & laugh over games & activities that build community. We would love to see you there!
Throughout the year we offer retreats & trips, outreaches, conferences, fun outings & hangouts, as well as compete in fine arts competitions.
On Sundays, the youth gather with the adults at 10 in the sanctuary.
Service for everyone ends around 11:45. Head out into the church foyer for coffee, hot chocolate, donuts and snacks. Gym is open after service for sports and hangout.
Come early to hang out in the gym, play gaga ball or just catch up with your friends.
At 7, the youth head over to the module for service. Our very own “ACTS Worship” team will lead us in a couple songs, followed by a discussion style teaching from Pastor Lindsay.
Hangout after and play some games. We’ve got board games, cards games, Nintendo Switch games, foosball, arcade style basketball, chess... you name it, we probably have it!
ADORATION- we worship God
COMMUNITY- we live as the family of God
TRUTH- we believe the Word of God
SERVICE- we are the hands and feet of God in this world
CAMP is always the BEST WEEK OF THE YEAR!!!
This year Greg Hubbard will be the camp speaker for the week we are attending.
Camp is a time for spending time in Gods presence, getting some fresh air, playing with friends, and being disconnected from the distractions of everyday life. Many teens will say that camp was one of the biggest impacts on their faith journey. We hope you can join us in 2025!
Fine Arts is a year-round ministry aimed to help teens discover, develop, and deploy their gifts and talents to reach people for Christ and inspire their faith. Once a year there is a district festival to showcase and evaluate their pieces. With over 70 categories their’s something for every student, from the digitally-inclined to the dancer, the painter, the poet, and aspiring preacher. If they receive a Superior with Invitation rating at districts, the students involved in those categories will attend the National Fine Arts Festival and Youth Convention. Students learn through this opportunity that ministry never stops, this is a lifestyle to be lived, not an activity to be attended.
If you missed out on this season, that's okay! Another season begins every September. We would love to have you join us!
" I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." -2 Timothy 4:7-8
By far one of the biggest trips we take, NYC is a little bit of everything. During the day our teams can participate in Fine Arts Festival. Students can also participate in Pickleball, Basketball, and Gaming Tournaments. Masterclasses and workshops are available to help students and adults refine their art to glorify God in the church and the world. Most important, every evening we will participate with thousands of fellow believers in worship and listen to dynamic preaching from some of the leadership of the Assemblies of God and the Youth department.
No matter your age, God has something for YOU at National Youth Conference!